CALL TO ARTISTS & CURATORS for art and proposals
SEASON OF WATER - 2011-12 POP UP EXHIBITIONS. The theme is water in any of its manifestations
ACF is on the move. Our first 2011 Exhibition will be at the Project Space, Gallery Route One, 11101 Highway One, Point Reyes Station, February 25-April 3. This exhibition is in conjunction with the literary conference, Geography of Hope: Reflections on Water.
CURATORS: Claudia Chapline & Etta Deikman
ELIGIBILITY: Artists living and working in any of the following Bay Area Counties: Marin, Sonoma, San Francisco, Napa, Contra Costa, Alameda, San Mateo
Indoor art in all 2D and 3D media including events and installations will be considered for the Project Space and other venues such as Art Works Downtown, Bay Model and more TBA. Outdoor work may also be proposed for future venues.
MAIL TO: ACF, P.O. Box 1117, Stinson Beach, CA 94970
1. Entry Form (download online HERE)
2. Jpeg files on CD Three images of available work or previous work representative of a proposed installation or event with drawings & details. Send copies only. No work will be returned. Notifications will be by email.
3. Image List with title, date, dimensions, media
4. 1 page resume
5. Statement
6. $20 check made out to Art at the Cheese Factory for viewing
QUESTIONS; Call 415.868.2308 www.artatthecheesefactory.org