Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beach Song ART PARTY Wine Cheese

What's New at ACF  

ACF Welcomes a New Board Member! 

Artist Bonnie Neumann joined the Art at the Cheese Factory (ACF) Board of Directors on August 30th. You can meet Bonnie at the upcoming beach party. 


Sunday September 30, 3-5 pm
Calle del Pradero, Stinson Beach 

You are invited to enjoy an afternoon of art, wine, cheese and song. Join us: our board, other donors, and artists for a party to raise funds for Site Sculptures and other new ACF exhibitions. It all takes place in Stinson Beach at a beautiful private home with 

Music by This Old Earthquake,
Wine from Thackrey & Co 
Cheese from the Marin French Cheese Company.

We will also host a silent auction of art works by
Bonnie Neumann, Claudia Chapline, and Ruby Newman

Minimum donation $20 by paypal or cash or check at the door. 

To reserve your place call Ruby Newman, 707/765-6824  

SITE Specific SCULPTURE Exhibitions!  / PARKED ART Sculpture Site Update:   

Our new public art program of temporary outdoor installations announced last month brought in offers from artists with pieces available for temporary installation. The committee now has two new members: Kore D'Abravanel, public planner and Elizabeth Hansen, landscape designer. Kris Otis is the link to the Marin French Cheese Company's celebration which will now be in January, not October as announced in the last newsletter.  Artists with available works or proposals should send an image and a paragraph or two about their work by email to Joe Fox, Park Art Committee Chair,  This will be an ongoing program. The committee will use the images submitted to show to potential sponsors in Marin public places. Artists will be notified by the committee when a site has been found that is felt to be suitable for their work. In addition to the Marin French Cheese Company, the committee is negotiating with sponsors in Stinson Beach, Bolinas, Point Reyes Station and Inverness. 

 If you are interested in installing sculpture, or donating an installation site, please send an image and a paragraph about you and your work, or site with your contact information to:

Joe Fox
Site Sculpture Coordinator for ACF.
For questions and further information:
Claudia Chapline

 A Message from Claudia....
Greetings To All of Our Friends and Supporters!      

We are kicking off our 2012 fundraising campaign with The Stinson Beach Sunday Summer Soire', on September 30th, from 3 to 5 P.M. This is our 2nd Annual informal beach party at Peter Dwares' lovely house on Calle Del Pradero. You'll find reservation information and more details below.  

Events such, as these along with your donations, enable us to pursue our mission...and just what are we up to? If you haven't yet seen ART PLUS LIFE, our exhibition at Commonweal Gallery at 451 Mesa Road in Bolinas, you have until September 20.
See below for Gallery Hours and location. 

We are now raising funds for 2013 programs: an innovative craft exhibition at Falkirk Cultural Center June 14-August 17 that will be curated by Kathleen Hanna, and our new Art in Public Places Program of temporary art installations in Stinson Beach, Bolinas, Point Reyes, Inverness, the Marin French Cheese Company and other places in Marin County. Please let your friends know about this new and exciting happening at ACF.  

Would you like to support our work? You may mail a check to the address below, or Your tax-deductible contribution in any amount will go toward presenting new artists in Marin County. Whatever you give will be deeply appreciated.  

Thank you for your support of contemporary art in Marin. I look forward to thanking you in person at the party on September 30.

Sincerely Yours,

Claudia Chapline, President
Art at The Cheese Factory
501c3 # 35-2362566

PO Box 1117
Stinson Beach, CA 94970 

Board of Directors: Etta Deikman, Claudia Chapline, Joe Fox, Bonnie Neumann, Ruby Newman, Kris Otis


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